Supporting family and friends at home will only take a few clicks. Cheaper, faster, easier, and more comfortable than ever. It is the best way to transfer funds instantaneously without any unnecessary hassle. No need to exchange money. No more remittance agencies or complicated apps.
Choose any amount of credit, get a unique barcode on your phone, and let your family shop comfortably at any participating S-Pay partner. You will have a barcode ready to be shared via any messenger app (WhatsApp, Telegram) or email within seconds.
With S-Pay, you can shop at any S-Pay partner in Iran. Our list of participating partners is always expanding. We are able to keep the costs lower than any other remittance service because of our partnership with SPAR IRAN and other participating brands. Simply tell your loved ones to show the code at the checkout. All payments are immediate, contactless, and cashless.